SMOKING- Overview, Statistics, Addiction, Health Effects, How To Quit, Importance of Avoiding and Quitting Smoking



Smoking is the unhealthy practice of inhaling smoke from burnt materials, especially of plant origin such as tobacco or bhang. Usually, the material is rolled into a wrapper. Tobacco smoke contains at least 70 known carcinogenic compounds(cancer-causing chemicals). It is harmful to nearly every organ in the human body. Tobacco smoking is the most common form of smoking practiced in the entire world.

When the smoke is pulled through the mouth, it travels along the respiratory tract, dissolves in the lungs and enters the bloodstream. From here, the components of the smoke are distributed to various organs of the body such as the brain.

Cigarette smoking is an unhealthy practice.

Recreational use of drugs is among reasons why people smoke. More than 1 billion individuals practice smoking. Majorly, it happens in the less developed nations.

For safety, cigarettes are composed of a filter at one end, usually where it is smoked from. This filter serves to trap large particles and prevents them from entering into the mouth.


Apart from cigarettes, other smoking implements include;

  •  Bongs
  •  Pipes
  •  Bidis
  •  Hookahs




  • Globally, more than 1 billion individuals practice smoking.
  • From 1990-2015, the practice of smoking was responsible for more than 5 million deaths per annum.
  • Due to second-hand smoke(passive smoking), non-smokers account for more than 550,000 deaths worldwide.
  • Smoking cigarettes accounts for more than 480,000 deaths per annum, in the US alone.
  • 9 out of 10 cases of lung cancer are due to smoking tobacco.
  • Almost 8 of every 10 deaths that are as a result of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) are also contributed by smoking.
  • Smokers are at higher risk of developing stroke, heart disease and cancer of the lung as compared to individuals who do not smoke; 2 to 4 times for both coronary heart disease and stroke.
  • Smokers are 13 times more likely to die due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as compared to non-smokers.



It is a psychological effect associated with smoking, and any other behaviors done over long time such as consumption of alcohol. A chemical compound referred to as nicotine is responsible for formation of smoking habit and addiction.

Addicts find it difficult to spend even a single day without smoking.

Health Effects

Smoking, being an unhealthy practice, is associated with multiple health-related effects.

Examples are;

  1. Heart attack
  2. Premature aging
  3. Rheumatoid arthritis
  4. Type 2 diabetes
  5. Erectile dysfunction
  6. Congenital defects and low birth weight babies
  7. Miscarriage
  8. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)

Smoking is also associated with certain types of cancer. Smoking can cause cancer at any region of the body.

Examples of cancers that are due to smoking are;


  1.  Kidney cancer
  2. Cancer of the blood(Leukaemia– AML which is acute myeloid leukaemia)
  3. Liver cancer
  4. Bladder cancer
  5. Pancreatic cancer
  6.  Stomach cancer
  7. Cancer of the colon and rectum(colorectal cancer)
  8. Lung cancer
  9. Cancer of the cervix
  10. Laryngeal cancer
  11. Throat cancer
  12. Oral cancer


How To Quit

Even thought quitting smoking presents a challenge to many addicts, it can be overcome through the following strategies.

  • Nicotine replacement therapy. It includes patches, inhalers and nasal sprays.
  • Cold turkey. Quitting all of it at once. No use of medicines or even nicotine replacements.
  • Prescription drugs. Varenicline can help deal with withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Bupropion is another drug of such uses.
  • Lifestyle modifications. Include change of routine and cognitive behavioral therapy.

It should be noted that quitting smoking is beneficial and therefore this new path in an individual’s life requires dedication.

No smoking. A man refuses to accept a cigarette.

Importance of Avoiding and Quitting Smoking


Avoiding smoking:

It is speculated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that if  no one smoked in the US, 1 out of every 3 cancer-related deaths would be prevented.

Quitting smoking :

  • Can add as many as 10 years to a person’s life expectancy
  • Improves overall health status of an individual
  • Causes reduction of the financial burden placed upon healthcare systems
  • Lowers chances of developing diseases such as cancer and COPD



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