What Are X-Rays?

Two medics looking at an X-ray film
General Information About X-Rays
X-rays are waves. X-ray test is a test that captures bone images. Beams or waves of X-rays are made to go through the human body. Here, absorption occurs in variable quantities based on the physical characteristics of the material in which they are made to go through. Examples of such physical characteristics are density. On an x-ray image, white areas shows dense dense areas such as the air in the lungs while black represents denser regions such as areas occupied by bones or metallic substances. For muscles and fatty tissues, these appear grey in color.
There are some kinds of x-ray tests where a contrast medium is injected into the body. The purpose of the contrast medium is to help generate finer details on the images. Iodine is an example of injectable contrast medium.
Apart from intravenous injection, several other ways of receiving the contrast media are;
- Oral
- Rectal (enema)
- Intra-thecally into the spinal cord
X-ray images are read and interpreted by specialists such as radiologists.
Types of X-rays
Various forms of x-rays are used to get images of several internal regions of the body.
Most common types of x-rays are listed below;
- Bone x-ray -To check for a fractured/ broken bone, arthritis and cancer of the bones
- Chest x-ray – Used in some patients who have reported symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath
- A chest X-ray can also detect broken ribs, pneumonia, pneumothorax, heart failure and cancer of the lung
- Abdominal X-ray – Apart from evaluating the digestive tract, it is used to diagnose conditions such as bladder stones and renal stones.
- Dental X-ray – Enables the dental practitioner to look at integrity of teeth and gums
- Spine X-ray- This s meant to check for spine curvatures
- Head X-ray – For fractures in the skull
X-rays are used to examine various parts of the body.
These include chest, abdomen, bones and teeth.
The purposes of an x-ray test are to;
- Check for a fracture of the bones
- Look for symptoms of infections in the lungs
- Check for foreign bodies
An x-ray can show the following as results;
- Fractured bones
- Renal stones
- Infections
- Cavities in the teeth
- Bone abnormalities such as rickets and osteomalacia
- Tumors (abnormal overgrowths which are mostly related to cancers)
- Arthritis
Advantages & Disadvantages
- Early diagnosis of infections
- Enables in finding specific locations of fractures in bones
Demerits-Risks Involved;
Risks involved are due to radiation exposure and contrast medium.
- Exposure to mutagenic radiations.
Generally, radiations are unsafe when given in great quantities. They can cause abnormal cellular changes due to mutations. These kinds of mutations predispose to cancers.
The good news is that radiation exposure due to x-rays is generally lower. Expectant mothers should not undergo X-ray procedure as this predisposes the unborn child to dangers of radiation - Contrast medium. Being injected with the contrast medium can cause side effects in some individuals. Such unwanted effects include;
- Nausea
- Metallic taste
- Itching
- Allergic reactions to the contrast media